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Connecting classrooms to careers

Preparation Prior to Arrival

Please plan to attend a one hour Mentor Orientation in late May/early June to learn all of the exciting program logistics you will need to know for the summer.  In mid-May, your Ignited Fellowship Account Manager will contact you with the dates and times for webinars and face-to-face orientations you can attend.

You will want to be sure that your Fellow has everything they will need to start their Fellowship on the right foot!  Prior to your Fellow’s arrival, the following steps should be taken.

  • Prepare the workspace and necessary access for the teacher :
    • Arrange for any HR training, badging, or security protocols
    • Secure physical location where they will sit.  An ergonomically correct set up is important!
    • Telephone
    • Computer
    • Network Login and Password
    • Email Login and Password
    • Remote Login, if needed
    • Database access, if needed
    • Office supplies
  • Email the Fellow with:
    • Directions to the workplace and parking information
    • Time and location to meet you or a colleague on their first day
    • Your company’s (or your department’s) dress code, if any
    • Security guidelines, if any (cell phones, picture-taking, etc.)

You will likely not always be available to answer your Fellow’s questions, so identifying others within your organization who can aid your Fellow will be helpful.